Sunday, February 10, 2008

Authors and their opinions

“It is hoped by Wicca that the first full sexual experience will take place in the pleasant[SIC] surroundings of the coven and that the spiritual as well as the physical aspects of the experience will lead the child to a complete life.”
This is a passage taken from the book “Good Witch’s Bible”. Well this is defiantly a case of "weed out the authors ego and personal opinions."

But what is this? That particular book is still on the top of the "you should read" lists for Wicca and Witchcraft.....So does that mean that Gavin and Yvonne Frost are not totally psychotic? They have written a lot of books about Wicca and Witchcraft and they are all very well recommended.

I do not support or approve the acts that the Frosts have suggested towards children in their book, The Witches Bible. Children's innocence is so important, they need to grow up and have fun and not be hurt and disappointed by those who are suppose to look out for them and care for them. Once the innocence is lost they cannot see the wonders around them. As young children the world is different to them, they see the world with different eyes. That part of their magick is gone once an act like the Frost's suggest is done. If you do not believe me, ask a small child what they see around them and how it makes them feel. No matter what their excuse in my view they are wrong.

Now on to other points. As crack-pot as some of their ideas are, they have made some good books, including the Witches Bible, are the most recommended.

Gerald Gardener is a big perv too but his books are very recommended for study. Crowley, his books are a must read as well even if he seems very strange as well. A ton of well known authors have shown us a disturbing side to their view of magick and coven life.
I believe that's why there are "fluffy bunny's" out there. They think for themselves and see that what some of these authors write is loopy. So they hold back a lot of potential and do it their own way.

Its unfortunate too because there is so much out there and so much in the universe to explore and some authors give too sketchy information, or want the followers and say "If you do not do things this way you are not a true pagan/witch/Wiccan." Which is absolutely stupid because there are so many ways of doing things. Its whats inside of the Witch that makes the world change around her/him. Its your will not someone else's.

I think my favorite part of the Charge of the Goddess is "And thou who thinkest to seek for Me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the Mystery: that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am That which is attained at the end of Desire." Goddess is with in. Search within and you will find your answers.

So I guess from this blog my question is to you the reader: Do you make your own decisions when reading, think for yourself? Or do you take every word literally and say that is the way? With so many authors not taking responsibility for their books, this is an important question.


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